Friday, May 22, 2009


This blog is an effort to make a difference, in a viral and digital way. I've been a last-bencher too long now, and I'm sure there are many like me out there.

We see packed trains and buses, broken roads, overflowing garbage dumps, ill treated animals, abused women and children, and we still chose to maintain our composure, content with the fact that someone else out there would take care of it.

Lets awaken ourselves to the fact that that 'someone else out there' could very well be ourselves. Heres calling for a change. This space is for all those who want to contribute towards a new city, new society, new country, new world.

Schimba means change in Romanian.I was searching for a blog name that indicated transformation, and since the Romans were truly a civilization that were revolutionar
ies in their own right, I thought it fit well.